

Space Clearings
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Space Clearings

The Benefits of Space Clearings Space Clearings are overlooked. The benefits that come from them are many. Some people don't realize that the land we live on has been here for literally thousands of years and that the events that have taken place over time couldn't cause any effect to our lives can they? The answer is absolutely YES they can! Spirits roam around us constantly it's inevitable. Some choose to stay because they want to, some resonate with you personally, some don't know they are...

The Sacred Feminine

Realigning & Healing the Sacred Feminine Within This is a topic that is very dear to me. The Sacred Feminine is our connection to the divine mother, compassion and kindness for others as well as for ourselves and the wisdom that comes from it. The divine connection from within. This serves for both men and women as everyone carries both energies but some of this information may pertain more to women because we bare children. As women, we go through seven iniatitions in our lifetime. When the...

Spiritual Tools

Spiritual Tools This month we are focusing on our spiritual tools and how they can assist us with what we are working on. Again with doing anything spiritual there are always things we will do across the board when getting ready to dive into our spiritual or healing practice. First and foremost, lets get the space cleared and set properly. Clearing the space with burning some sage, or copal is appropriate. If burning is out of the question, use space clearing sprays. The lavender and rubbing...

Crystals This month we are looking at crystals! Crystals are marvelous assistants to have on hand for assistance with the self or for healing others. Here we will look at a few of my favorites and their properties. Remember these beings still need to be taken care of properly so they can hold their potency accordingly. They do absorb heavy energy and they do need to be cleaned. When it comes to family heirlooms, it is important to understand that cleansing is absolutely needed. The jewelry...

Helpful Plant & Herb Allies Ok, so here we are with looking at what plants help with what and where to place them. As usual plants have air purifying qualities but in addition they hold many protective and spiritual properties as well. Here are a few of my favorite plants and their properties. Let's state the obvious, the best protective plant to have planted in my opinion is White Sage. Plant this at the front door, back door, around the property, wherever. This plant not only protects but...

Beltane, Mother's Day & The Full Flower Moon Beltane Lots is happening in the month of May start to finish! May 1st is celebrated as Beltane. This is a festival that is celebrated across the world particularly with the Celtics and Pagans of the current day. During this festival we celebrate the Union of the Earth Mother and Green Man. The holiday celebrates the coming summer, the peak of Spring and most importantly Fertility. The whole holiday is based upon fertility. The Green man...

Full Moon is April 23rd! For all of our Humans who love the color pink, this is your month for the full moon! The name of this moon is known as the "Pink Moon" during the month of April. As this moon represents rebirth, growth, and renewal, it also marks the beginning of spring. In addition with her appearance, there are also beliefs that if you are feeling burnt out during this particular moon, that you take time to recharge and reflect. Be mindful as our intuition is always strong around...

Tips for Spiritual Spring Cleaning As Spring welcomes us its time to clean up and reset for everything to begin blooming. Here are some tips as to how to keep your space energetically clean. Declutter Piles of clothes or “things” on the floor or on counters creates blockages of flow. Remove the lingering "stuff" and if you are not using it get rid of it. Items that are not used become stagnant and create stagnant energy, so if you find you have piles of things that you are not using, this...

Spring Equinox is March 19th! As we approach the Spring Equinox, I wanted to provide a few bread crumbs as we enter into this transitional phase of rebirth and growth. Within our spiritual growth and practice we learn to adapt to what we call ceremony, ritual or a discipline in which we enable the self to be silent and still. While practicing, it is always good to recognize and take advantage of the energies available or that present themselves such as the Equinox, where lots of power is...

Transformation through Soul Retrieval Hey Guys! For the next couple of months, I will be offering donation based soul retrievals. This process can be done in person or via zoom. It works either way! Start your transformation process now and begin experiencing life in a new, connected way. Please contact me directly to schedule via text, email, IG or phone. (Please allow 24 hours to respond) Talk Soon! Phone: (510) 940-6942 Email: [email protected] Instagram: @ask.bre What is Soul Loss?...