Space Clearings

The Benefits of Space Clearings

Space Clearings are overlooked. The benefits that come from them are many. Some people don't realize that the land we live on has been here for literally thousands of years and that the events that have taken place over time couldn't cause any effect to our lives can they? The answer is absolutely YES they can!

Spirits roam around us constantly it's inevitable. Some choose to stay because they want to, some resonate with you personally, some don't know they are deceased, some are angry, some are sad, some need healing and some become so attached to their homes or space, they don't want to leave and sometimes they don't want you there either. Not all are human and not all are animal. We live in a world of interesting energy.

Within my experience with my Guides, we have witnessed and assisted many different types of energies. Some people would approach us because of heaviness in the home, or things moving, lights flickering, feeling different emotions in different parts of the homes or the land, experiencing different feelings, witnessing different things, relationship arguments in certain areas of the house, weird illnesses, death, thoughts that were not their own, the list goes on.

Energetic debris comes in many forms and the best way to deal with a space that is heavy with energetic debris is to have it cleared. Sometimes it takes more than one time to clear it depending on the severity of it but the outcome is typically peaceful and relieving. The home and land are able to breathe again, a sense of flow and normality regained. Peace and ease are some of the outcomes that have come about after a clearing we have been apart of.

We don't realize our homes have their own energies. Many have lived before us. In some cases, we have had spirits show up randomly during parties that lived in a different era, but still wanted to be apart of the party, my wedding is a great example.

We got married at our home in our backyard. Roughly 100 people. I had constructed and cleared many blessings in preparation and had specific candles burning for all of our guests. Healing & blessings were taking place in one way or another.

In the garage is where my Grandfather's bar is. We had pictures up of my Grandparents and my Uncle paying respect to the ones that had left us and were residing in the spirit world. Or so we thought...

During the reading of our vows, a Champagne bottle sitting on the floor popped its cork by itself. Everyone turned around and I smiled. There was no champagne near the bartender. I knew then that my family in the spirit world had arrived and was making their presence known. The bartender was freaked out. BUT after the wedding, another clearing was done because of all the different people (and spirits) that had come in for a visit.

Clearings helps to regain energetic balance within the home, land or space, removing energetic debris and helping to move along spirits that need healing and/ or are stuck and allowing your life to be at your own flow. Clearings effect the living residents as well, in a good way.

Please let me know if something like this interests you and we can schedule a consultation. The beautiful thing is this can be done via zoom or in person. It still works either way. That's energy for you. There is a lot more to be said about clearings but this is a quick synopsis. Let me know if you have any questions, my spirit team would be delighted to assist.

Full Moon is October 17th!

Aww yes the beautiful Hunter's Moon. Receiving it's name, refers back to the times when people would harvest and prepare for the winter. With the moon rising at earlier times in the evening, it also helped the hunters to see their prey in the moonlight due to their fattening up for the winter.

Don't forget to get anything outside you would like charged such as crystals, water for future use or altar pieces to be empowered. Might be a good time to grab a journal and start a meditation process of self reflection if you haven't already.

This moon is focused on self reflection and internal work.

I hope you find this information helpful! Please forward to anyone who may find this information useful. The way we thrive is to thrive together in support of one another. Thank you for allowing me to be of service to you & I am here to support your healing needs. -Bre

., ., CA .
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