The Sacred Feminine

Realigning & Healing the Sacred Feminine Within

This is a topic that is very dear to me. The Sacred Feminine is our connection to the divine mother, compassion and kindness for others as well as for ourselves and the wisdom that comes from it. The divine connection from within. This serves for both men and women as everyone carries both energies but some of this information may pertain more to women because we bare children.

As women, we go through seven iniatitions in our lifetime. When the energy is released during an initiation, if we were not properly ready to receive it, the energy tends to get disbursed inappropriately. It can lead us into certain relationship patterns with others as well as ourselves. Have you noticed that at times, you end up in similar relationship patterns that are not in alignment with who you truly are and wonder why this keeps happening? This can be a response to an improper distribution of energy during an initiation.

We look at the Mother, Maiden, Crone for instance and we learn that the different phases of womanhood that unfold come with wisdom from each phase.

The Maiden: She is the free spirit, full of positivity, curiosity and light. Symbolizing purity, endless energy, independence, pleasure & freedom of expression she is a force to be reckoned with. Waxing Moon is represented as the Maiden.

In this phase, the initiations that are affected are quite a few. Our own Birth, Puberty, Menses', and first sexual experience. A lot happens while in the first phase of our life and can really affect things down the road. We will go into this a little more later.

The Mother: Represented by the full moon, the Mother represents wisdom and balance which gives life to confidence & empowerment. She portrays fertility, stability, power and life.

In this phase, the initiation that is affected is the initiation of childbirth.

The Crone: The waning moon, representing acceptance brings peace, inner calm and wisdom. She brings rest, cycle endings and beginnings.

In this phase, the initiations that are affected are menopause and death.

With receiving this knowledge and working with the initiations myself and realigning them I decided this is something important to offer and to hold space for.

The Sacred Feminine Realignment Series

A series of eight sessions. Each session helps to realign the energy that was released or is released during the seven sacred initiations of the feminine.

During each session, we look at each initiation and the energy that was released during it. The Guides then help to realign you with the energy properly and re-disperse it appropriately, to bring you into better alignment with your sacred feminine. (Men are also welcome to this as this has to do with the feminine energy. Both men and women carry feminine energy).

The seven sacred initiations include: Birth, Puberty, Menses’’, First sexual experience, childbirth, menopause and the preparation for death.

This series will help to bring light to these areas and help to shift the patterns appropriately. Please contact me directly to schedule or to inquire.

A Quick Note!

Full Moon is September 22nd and is known as the Harvest Moon because of its proximity to the Autumn Equinox. This Moon is also the second super moon making it a bit more intense AND it falls on the actual Autumn Equinox! Don't forget to do your rituals and connect with Mama Killa (the moon) at this very unique and powerful time.

The equinox brings balance between light and dark within our outer world and inner world. With that comes transformation and reaping the rewards of your harvest with clarity as to what to hold onto and what to let go of.

Happy Equinox!!

I hope you find this information helpful! Please forward to anyone who may find this information useful. The way we thrive is to thrive together in support of one another. Thank you for allowing me to be of service to you & to support your healing needs. Please contact me directly to schedule.


., ., CA .
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