Happy "Pink Full Moon"!

Full Moon is April 23rd!

For all of our Humans who love the color pink, this is your month for the full moon! The name of this moon is known as the "Pink Moon" during the month of April.

As this moon represents rebirth, growth, and renewal, it also marks the beginning of spring. In addition with her appearance, there are also beliefs that if you are feeling burnt out during this particular moon, that you take time to recharge and reflect.

Be mindful as our intuition is always strong around the full moon, it will be peaking at this time with the display of the Pink Moon's presence.

Reminders to utilize & honor the Full Moon

  • Get those crystals outside! Let them charge over night
  • Spend some time in silence & meditation
  • Keep your mind in the positive, have goals written down that you want to see accomplished, let the energy infuse those goals! Do this by placing your hands facing your goals palms out, close your eyes and look up. Set the intention of infusing your goals with the moon's energy. Let her rip! Allow the light to flow through you and direct it with your hands into your goals. No mind control here, allow the vibrant energy to move through you. (For anyone who does this I would love to hear your experiences with this energy). This will give you an experience so enjoy it!
  • Ceremony, gratitude for her energy, offerings

I hope you have found this helpful! I am here to assist with your Spiritual Healing needs. Please contact me directly to schedule your session.

Thank you for allowing me to be of service to you -Bre

., ., CA .
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