Crystals & the Full Moon!


This month we are looking at crystals! Crystals are marvelous assistants to have on hand for assistance with the self or for healing others. Here we will look at a few of my favorites and their properties. Remember these beings still need to be taken care of properly so they can hold their potency accordingly. They do absorb heavy energy and they do need to be cleaned.

When it comes to family heirlooms, it is important to understand that cleansing is absolutely needed. The jewelry becomes infused with energies and qualities from the original owner that may not be beneficial and can be transferred to the person who is wearing it now. You can take on these energetic patterns. This is also true for brand new jewelry. Here are some tips on how to clear or clean your crystals.

Set your Intention

Of course like any other spiritual work we engage in, the first thing we do is... Set Our Intention. "My intention is to cleanse/clear this crystal of any dirty energetic debris and or energy".

Salt Water

Water and Salt work together to remove energetic debris. The salt breaks it up and the water absorbs it. According to my Master (Stephen Co), he suggests a liter of water to a handful of salt. You can place the crystals in the salt overnight with the intention of removing all dirty energy and remove it the next day or like I always say, go with your intuition. The crystals will tell you what they need just follow it.

** Now be careful with this one as sometimes the salt water can cause the crystals to become foggy depending on what crystal is being cleaned (this mostly refers to quartz or crystals that have a clear appearance to them).**

Incense or Sage

Sage is always something you can turn to to clear just about anything however with crystals there is an incense that plays a more powerful role. Sandalwood carries an energy with a green prana. (prana: life force energy). The energy of sandalwood emanates an energy that has a cleansing effect and cleans it much faster accompanied by intention or prayer. Run the crystals through the smoke after setting your intention and you are good to go. Remember trust your instincts as to when you feel that is complete.


A flame is also another way to clear or cleanse your crystals. Setting the intention and running it through the flame. Again some caution here as if you hold the crystal in there for too long it can possibly damage it but if you run it through you should be good to go.

A big part of training the self spiritually is falling into your instinct and intuition. With most of what I offer & teach, I will always have you refer back to that. It is important that we exercise this skill, so that we become confident in our observations and experiences and learn to work with our own individual power, our instincts and intuition.


Full moon and the Sun is your best friend to charge your crystals so get them outside on the full moon or outside in the sunshine. You can leave them out overnight or during the day or both! Another way to charge them up is to bury them in the Earth. I would suggest do this overnight as well.


When cracking and breaking down begins in a crystal it means the crystal is full and has done its job. Give it back to the Earth Mother, a body of water, or some other natural way but know that it is time to give it back and that it can no longer absorb.

Also to note here, it is best to not wear any jewelry to bed especially items with stones in them. This includes wedding rings folks. If you have diamonds in your wedding rings do not wear it 247 and clean it often. The energies that can get stuck in diamonds can ultimately create relationship problems. So be sure to cleanse your rings often. I cant stress this enough. The same for the other stones you wear. If worn all the time it is constantly picking up and storing energy and if the stone doesn't get lost break or runaway you are taking on the energetic debris that is accumulating. It can affect you negatively causing lethargy, illness, depression, etc.

While we are on this subject, wearing crystals have certain side effects and its important to know when to not wear them. A person with hypertension or heart problems should not wear crystals for long periods of time. The chakras are already activated and when crystals are worn can activate them further. The same with someone experiencing leukemia, a tumor or cancer. The cells can be activated further and multiply faster depending on the crystal that is being worn and where, so it is advisable to not wear them. People who experience mental illness or psychological imbalances is also advised to steer away from wearing crystals because it can activate the condition further. Also pregnant women same thing, steer away from wearing them while pregnant and being around large quantities of uncleansed crystals this can cause some issues.

Certain cuts of crystals can also make a difference. Crystals that are cut as wands with a sharp end you need to be very careful with where you point it and the intention that is behind it. When there is a sharp edge at the end, that causes the energy that is radiating from it to condense into a very concentrated energy almost like burning through something so be very cautious when handling these cuts of crystals especially if pointing them towards someone and using them in healing.

Now that you have a few pointers, lets take a look at a few crystals you may find helpful.

Rose Quartz

The most important healing crystal for the heart and heart chakra. It promotes receptivity to beauty of all kinds. It helps to release unexpressed emotions and heartache, it soothes internalized pain and helps to open the heart to receive. This is a high vibrational stone. Holding this stone while meditating or doing healing work will help enhance your process with a loving manner. Sleeping with it under your pillow or wearing it will also help but be sure to not sleep in it and clean it often.


This is a high vibrating stone with stabilizing energy that helps to assist in many things such as anchoring you in the present reality, assisting to restore vitality, trusting yourself, your perceptions and to overcome negative conditioning. Interestingly it also helps to remove fear of death and overcome abuse. This stone is also known for its motivation for success in many forms such as business. This is a great stone to have on hand for when things pop up and you need a little more support.


A great stone for stress management. Jasper helps to absorb negative energy, provides protection, assists in balancing and encouragement within honesty of the self. This stone helps with determination and helps to transform ideas into action by assisting with organization and follow through. Jasper comes in many colors that carry additional properties in addition to the aspects listed here.

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's eye also comes in different colors that carry additional properties but across the board any Tiger's eye stone no matter the color will come with the following. This is a high vibrational stone that comes with primarily Earth energy (grounded energy). Protection is what it is known for however this stone also aids in the healing of mental disease, personality disorders, self worth, self criticism, addictive pattern shifts, supports personal integrity and achieving goals all the while helping you to remain grounded.


This is another stone that comes in various colors. Agate is another grounding stone with a powerful cleansing effect. It helps to bring balance from within and creates harmony and stabilization. It is known to work slowly but does with tremendous strength. This stone will also help bring things to light as well as assist with you accepting your true authentic self and help to heal inner anger.


Malachite is one of my absolute favorites. Not only is it absolutely beautiful this is an extremely powerful stone. This stone aids in personal transformation in many forms, a powerful cleanser for the emotional body (pay attention here, many forms: emotional, past life, deep rooted emotions and traumas, it will all surface) and is an extreme protection stone. It absorbs negative energy from the environment and the body. This stone will help you connect spiritually at a very deep level. This is another Earth ally and has been used for centuries all over the world for many different things, mainly protection.


This stone is also protective and has been used over time in many different cultures as such. It helps with spiritual attunement and assists with bringing solace to the spirit, breaking down what is no longer needed and allowing the soul to express itself once again. If given as a gift it brings good fortune and peace.


Yet another powerful safeguarding stone, Obsidian forms a shield against negativity. It absorbs negative energies from the environment and blocks negative spiritual influences. It helps to bring clarity and clear confusion. With having no boundaries or limitations this is a fast acting stone. Nothing can be hidden with this stone, everything becomes revealed. If this stone is too strong refer to another stone for assistance as this stone aids in deep soul healing. Impressively, Obsidian also comes in many colors.


Believe it or not Tourmaline is an ally to plants! It helps to keep pests at bay and when buried in soil it encourages the growth of all crops. This is a balancing stone that helps to ground spiritual energy, balance mental clarity but also helps to transform negative or dense energy into positive lighter energy. Helping to promote self confidence, this stone attracts inspiration and prosperity.


This is another one of my favorites! The colors and energy this stone emanates is really beautiful. This is one similar to malachite in the way that it is a stone that promotes transformation and preps the body and soul for the ascension process. It helps to deflect unwanted energies and raise consciousness, it is a good ally to have when experiencing change and infusing strength and determination. People starting on their Spiritual healing journey, I recommend getting one of these stones.


Ok last but certainly not least, the most utilized crystal in healing brings us to the clear Quartz. Quartz is an extreme amplifier and tool used in healing and helps to boost energy. It absorbs, removes, stores and regulates energy. It cleans the soul deeply and helps to remove deep rooted seeds. Again, this is one you want to pay attention to when working with it. It needs to be cleaned just as much as any other as well as charged for all the good it does for us and the beings around it. When holding it to perform healings can enhance healing as well as it will attune you a bit higher. Be mindful of the quartz wands. Anything with a point can be damaging to chakras if not utilized properly so be careful where you are pointing folks. You may not see it, but you can actually burn a hole through someone's chakra if using a pointed clear quartz wand incorrectly, so be careful loves.

So, as you can see crystals can be quite accommodating to our needs when we know how to use them properly and which one to use for what symptoms. Most of the information found here I have either been taught by mentors or researched. I keep on hand a great book: The Encyclopedia of Crystals by Judy Hall. If you find yourself working a lot with crystals, I highly recommend this book.

Just a Quick Note!

This month's full moon lands on July 21st and is known as the Buck Moon. This moon is important as it's focus is on growth, renewal and regeneration. The metaphor of the bucks shedding their antlers is used to coincide with us shedding what we need to in order to evolve and grow. I would consider this a great time to meditate and go inward, allow what needs to be shed to be illuminated and shown and then let it go. The trick here is to allow yourself to see it ;)

I hope you find this information helpful! Please forward to anyone who may find this information useful. The way we thrive is to thrive together in support of one another. Thank you for allowing me to be of service to you & remember I am here to support your healing journey & needs. -Bre

., ., CA .
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