Spring Equinox!

Spring Equinox is March 19th!

As we approach the Spring Equinox, I wanted to provide a few bread crumbs as we enter into this transitional phase of rebirth and growth.

Within our spiritual growth and practice we learn to adapt to what we call ceremony, ritual or a discipline in which we enable the self to be silent and still. While practicing, it is always good to recognize and take advantage of the energies available or that present themselves such as the Equinox, where lots of power is being released and infused.

In order to take advantage of that power and utilize it, we must become focused as to what it is we would like to see grow. This can be personal goals, wellness, gratitude whatever it is the energy can be braided into a ceremony or offering to the helping spirits and beings that are around us all the time assisting us when we need them.

Ceremony is a place for stillness, cleansing as well as gratitude. Within offerings to our spirits we help to create a harmonizing balance and rapport with them and to be honest its only right that we do.

As you allow yourself to be present with "what is" many things come about including the "magic" of it all. The sense of connectivity with all beings and all things. Energy is everything! Remember that! For instance when you feel like a bird is communicating with you and you find yourself talking back. (We are all connected, YES IT IS HAPPENING). Since we are on the topic of energy is everything, lets be reminded that our thoughts have a tremendous amount of energy so keep them in the positive not the negative. See what you want to see accomplished not where you are lacking. Make sense? This will also assist with practicing manifestation, so in short keep it uplifting, elevated and positive.

Tips for Ceremony

  • Have representatives of the elements present, earth (plant, or bowl of earth), air (feather) , fire (candle), water (cup of water or shells to represent the ocean)
  • Cleanse your space with sage prior to and after with the intention of clearing any energetic residue or debris (this should always be done anytime you do ceremony, meditation or spiritual work)
  • Have offerings available: flowers, shells, stones, sticks, candy whatever you feel drawn to. For the Equinox, Daffodils and lavender are good offerings to help create peace & balance but remember go with your gut. You can simply place this in a bowl or if outside spread them around.
  • Have Crystals present that enhance growth (there are many: quartz, rose quartz, obsidian, Labradorite, moonstone to name a few)
  • Open the directions (turn to the direction and invite them to be present with you) "I call to the winds and waters of the _______" South- Fire, West- Water & Ancestors, North- Earth & Lineage, East- Air, Below- all relations, the beings that reside in the belly of the mother, Above the star nation, Center- Balance and Harmony
  • Allow yourself to be within silence and meditation, see what comes through. This is a time when great wisdom can be accessed if you allow it so practice trust and listening. Do not try and figure it out just allow yourself to be, when the mind interferes it brings you away from the experience. Sometimes I will record what I am receiving so I can stay present & document after what it is that is being given. This is also a practice with your Channeling skills!
  • Give offerings, speak your gratitude, in one of the traditions I practice we blow into the item our intention whether it be gratitude, love, wishes, etc.
  • Once you feel it is complete release the directions, do this by facing the direction thanking the Beings for being present and say, "I release this direction". Once the directions are released you can scatter your offerings around outside or keep them present on your altar or space of offering.
  • Pay attention to the dreams you have and the days to come as things may start shifting a bit. Insight awaits.

I hope you find this helpful! I am available to assist with expanding your Spiritual Awareness, Healing and Self Development needs! Please contact me directly if you are interested.

Thank you for allowing me to be of service - Bre

www.Ask-Bre.com- Cell 510-940-6942- Instagram: Ask.Bre

., ., CA .
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