Spiritual Spring Cleaning Tips!

Tips for Spiritual Spring Cleaning

As Spring welcomes us its time to clean up and reset for everything to begin blooming. Here are some tips as to how to keep your space energetically clean.


Piles of clothes or “things” on the floor or on counters creates blockages of flow. Remove the lingering "stuff" and if you are not using it get rid of it.

Items that are not used become stagnant and create stagnant energy, so if you find you have piles of things that you are not using, this stuff is all accumulating stagnant energy and blocking flow.

Donate what you don't use and make some room!

The universe cannot grant or fill space if there is no space to fill.

Time to Cleanse and Clear!

Sage is best utilized for clearing. With the intention of clearing any stagnant or negative energy in your space, light a piece of sage (you do not have to smolder a bundle, just break a piece off) and begin walking in a clockwise direction around your house, wall to wall.

You can use a feather to waft or you can allow it to burn in the shell and just walk with the shell. Be sure to open doors or windows so that the energy has an escape route.

If negative energy is present, you will also want to walk your space with Copal. This comes in resin form or incense form. Same theory applies here. The intention is to remove negative energy in this case, but you will still walk your space wall to wall.

Pay attention to corners and closets! Make sure to run the smoke through those areas as lingering energy likes to gather in spaces like that.

Spray it is!

If smoke is out of the question for you, that's ok! There are plenty of other ways to help cleanse and clear the space. One that I use often is a mixture of rubbing alcohol and lavender oil.

Grab yourself a spray bottle, add rubbing alcohol and begin to add drops of lavender oil. The idea is to have a balanced smell of lavender and alcohol, not one overpowered by the other. It takes a little time to balance it out but once you do, its ready to go!

Lavender oil & alcohol mixed together emanates a specific energy that expels negative energy, so all you have to do is walk through your space and spray away!


Another one of my favorite ways to clear my space is through sound. Chimes or Tibetan bowls can be used. Walk through your space ringing the chimes, really listen.

You will notice if a space is heavy with energy if the tone seems dormant or low. It will ring at a lower vibration. Keep ringing until the chimes carry out the desired tone. Pay attention to the duration of the chime as well, let it finish the tone completely. Don't keep ringing. Ring a couple times, listen then move or ring again.

You can use chimes that have been tuned to a specific chakra tone, they are available. You can also use different Tibetan or singing bowls. If you have regular chimes that are not tuned that is ok too just pay attention to the different tones as you ring. You will know when it seems lower and shifts to the higher desired range.

Speaking of chimes, it is beneficial to hang outside your home, on your deck area or in the backyard, or all three! The sounds the chimes make help to create balance not only through your home but on the outside as well. Balance is what we want.


Another way to help promote a clean energetic environment is to have plants present.

Plants are such a very helpful Ally to have. They are very much alive as you and I are. At times you can view how life is going with how well your plant is being maintained and taken care of.

Specific plants carry specific properties that help keep the air purified and your space spiritually clean.

Snake plants in particular are believed to to absorb negative energy and promote feelings of security and stability.

Peace Lily is another indoor plant that is quite helpful. It promotes emotional stability, reduces stress and anxiety and helps to promote healthy mental health.

Ivy is an additional plant that also helps keep unwanted energies out!

Many plants have many different properties so if you are drawn to a specific plant always go with your intuition, but take it one step further and research the spiritual benefits of what they have to offer. And LOVE them! They react to music, sound, they are like us. Treat them nicely as they are helping us out.

Let the Sunshine In!

Open those drapes! Pull the blinds up! Let as much sunshine in as possible. With allowing the light of the sun, "Entitata", into your home there are many positive elements that it brings.

Not only does the Sun provide a beautiful source of vitamin D, it also helps to remove negative energy with its extreme positive rays and increase positive energy in your auric field. No sitting in the dark, let the sun light up your space AND your aura.

I hope you have found this helpful! I am here to assist with your Spiritual Healing.

Please contact me directly to schedule your session & thank you for allowing me to be of service to you - Bre

., ., CA .
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