Spiritual Tools

Spiritual Tools

This month we are focusing on our spiritual tools and how they can assist us with what we are working on. Again with doing anything spiritual there are always things we will do across the board when getting ready to dive into our spiritual or healing practice.

First and foremost, lets get the space cleared and set properly. Clearing the space with burning some sage, or copal is appropriate. If burning is out of the question, use space clearing sprays. The lavender and rubbing alcohol mixture is fine for this. This pattern will become natural over time.

Secondly setting your intention. Take a moment to settle in and focus in on what you are here to do at this moment. So whether it be meditating, journeying, spiritual balancing, divination, clearing or healing whatever it is hold the intention.

So now that we have our intention set and the space set, lets look at some tools.

Tarot Cards

One of my favorite tools. There are many, many, many different kinds of cards with different focuses however when dealing with any tarot card system what do we do first? You got it, Sage them! Anytime we are handling something new it comes with energies already. Important to run them through some smoke to get them ready to go.

A trick of the trade for me that I've carried with me throughout my life span of working with tarot cards (since I was 11), is that anytime I work with them, I will knock on them three times to push the energy that is in them out. I will usually knock on them while holding them over burning sage or a candle. This is just what was presented to me, you may have a different practice and that's perfect, just follow your instinct.

Once that is done, bring them to your heart, focus on your question and ask how many times to shuffle. Your Guides will work with you with this. You will either hear or see a number when you close your eyes. If you are new to working with Guides, close your eyes ask for how many to shuffle DO NOT let your brain interrupt. Let the number flash and follow through with it. The number will literally flash if you allow it to. You can also ask them how many cards you need to draw as well.

Remember use your instincts and your intuition when working with your cards. It is like working with a team.

SO, now that you've followed through with your shuffle and drew the card(s) we come to this point of accepting what is being shown to you. Do NOT keep drawing cards to get the answers you want, this is so important and very much overlooked. If you do this, you are pulling yourself further away from truth so buckle up kiddo and allow the messages to come through even if its hard to hear, receive the message and move forward. And its not always bad anyway! There is always so much wisdom that is revealed and that we sometimes overlook when we are hyper focused on something, so allow the cards to help.

With this being said, tarot cards are a tool. They are not to become reliant upon. You don't want to hand over power, it should always be a balanced rapport with your cards or any tool for that matter when dealing with divination practices. If you are drawn to them, pick them if you are not then follow that as well.

Once complete with your draw, knock again on them three times, thank them or the type of beings you are working with (angels, spirit animals, goddesses, whatever type of card they are), sage them again and get them covered and or tucked away.

They should always be covered or wrapped in a cloth of a sort. These are tools and should be treated in a sacred way because they are here to support you.


When working with the pendulum, there are similar aspects as working with the cards. Once the pendulum is cleansed, become still and centered.

Ask Spirit to show you what direction will indicate the answer no. Once received, then ask the question of what direction is considered a yes. Once you have the directions clear, become centered and ask the question clearly.

Remember, once the answer is given, it is given. If you try and trick spirit by asking the question in a different way to obtain the answer you want, you are doing this wrong. Allow the information to come in, follow your instincts and go from there.

When having the pendulum act as a way of locating stagnant energy, hold the pendulum over the body and start slowing moving it vertically or horizontally down the body. When it starts circulating or moving, that is an indication that the energy you are hovering above is possibly stuck. If this is the case, instruct the pendulum to help clear the energy that is there. It may move in the opposite direction or different than what it was when you located the stagnancy. You will know its complete, once it stops moving.

Once completed with using this tool, be sure to clean it and store it in a safe place. (Don't forget to express your gratitude for the assistance).


The beautiful thing about feathers is they tend to find you randomly. They are also empowered already from the being that dropped it in the first place. How lucky are you! When a feather is in your path, you better pick that thing up! Internally say thank you.

Feathers can play a couple different roles. You can use a single feather or a feather fan to help move energy off of you by wafting it across your entire body. As you rub it against yourself, be sure to flick the energy off before moving on to the next part of the body. The feather collects and removes the energies that are feeling heavy.

A good rule of thumb is to actually clear yourself off after your day at work or school. Making a ritual of cleaning yourself off daily would be a good practice to put into play after your day.

Feathers can also detect where there is stagnant energy within the body as well. If working with someone, or trying to locate it yourself, run the feather down the body. If there is stagnant energy present, it will flick or move the opposite direction in which you are holding. (Be sure to hold the intention as you are using the tool).

Another way feathers are used and the most common way would be to waft smoke for clearing a space. Often, a feather is used to assist the movement of the smoke in those hidden corners or places to obtain a good clear space. In this picture above here, recognize the pieces that are being used. All natural and all naturally empowered. The sage plant, the feather that came from the air being and the shell that came from the water being. All pieces of the Earth Mother. And three different directions presented. Pretty cool huh.


Rattles are also great for moving energy and calling in spirit helpers. Now, with rattles, clearing them is also important. I also highly believe in empowering them as they can play a big role in moving energy, as well as assist with healing. They can serve in manipulating the energy that needs to be moved with the sound they create.

You will notice as you become more sensitive how much instruments play an important piece. You will begin hearing them when you need to use them, either for yourself or for others.

Empowered Objects

Having empowered objects near you or in your space is always good to have anyway. You can have as many empowered objects as you want. They serve in many ways such as protection, helping to hold a sacred space for your work whatever that may be, they help to elevate the energy in the space as well. Depending on how you "program" it, it can serve as to what it is you need.

To learn how to empower objects or work with the Guides directly with tools, you need to know how to journey. If you would like to learn, please contact me. Learning how to Journey is something that I offer. We work with the journey in five sessions consistently and the journey works parallel with the dream time. Its an amazing experience and a lot opens up, something to think about. If you're interested, let me know.

Tools have been used over time as a direct connection with our Spirit Guides. To call them in, to have them infuse the object and also sometimes to have them in the object. Its pretty amazing actually.


Crystals as described in the previous newsletter, can be used for many different things and assist in healings. They come in different shapes, sizes and hold different properties that can be specific to your needs.

Crystals needs to be cleared and charged often because they are always "working". If they are in your space, they are working, so be sure to take care of them. Clear them, charge them and when they are complete give them back to the Earth.

Crystals can be used to help move diseased energy and actually remove diseased energy as well. Remember if you obtain crystal wands with sharp ends be sure to know how to use it before you point that thing towards anyone!

Crystals can also be used with animals as well as humans.


OK we have made it to my absolute favorite tool in the world, the drum. The drum helps to hold the "heartbeat" while work is being done. It manipulates sound and energy. A continued drumbeat can either speed up or slow down heart rate depending on what you are trying to accomplish. But ultimately especially in a group setting has the power to get everyone on the same track. It holds the field.

The drum to me is the entry way to the journey. For shamanism we use it in just about everything.

Drums in my opinion are to always be empowered as well, its a must. Its a respect to the animal it came from in my eyes. Its how you get to know and understand it. It is a spirit, therefore you create a rapport.

Drums can also be a portal as well. For any of you who have had a drum healing done by me, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you haven't, when you're ready let me know. Drum Healings are a good way to blast through stagnancy and open everything up a bit to get it moving. Its a wonderful ceremony & I love doing them.

As you can see most of what we have and are around on a daily basis serve us as tools. They can appear as plants, stones, crystals. statues, incense, instruments, just about anything can serve a purpose, if that is your intention or what you are being called to. This is just an extremely small example of what we use as tools. So anywhere you find yourself, something is typically "there" or available to assist.

The full moon this month lands on August 19th. This is a special one as this is a Supermoon and known as the Sturgeon Full Moon. This moon symbolizes strength and resilience and is known as the Sturgeon Full Moon because the month of August is typically when Sturgeon fishing is the best and is abundant! So get your crystals outside and your poles in the water ;) Embody the energy of resilience and keep it moving!

I hope you find this information helpful! Please forward to anyone who may find this information useful. The way we thrive is to thrive together in support of one another. Thank you for allowing me to be of service to you & I am here to support your healing needs. -Bre

., ., CA .
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