


Published 7 months ago • 2 min read

Transformation through Soul Retrieval

Hey Guys! For the next couple of months, I will be offering donation based soul retrievals. This process can be done in person or via zoom. It works either way! Start your transformation process now and begin experiencing life in a new, connected way. Please contact me directly to schedule via text, email, IG or phone. (Please allow 24 hours to respond) Talk Soon!

Phone: (510) 940-6942


Instagram: @ask.bre

What is Soul Loss?

Soul loss is caused by a shocking experience that takes place within your life. (Note: This can also happen with animals). It causes the body (and/or) the spirit to go into shock, leaving you feeling different after the event took place. Some places where soul loss is seen is abuse, child abuse, PTSD, OCD, loss, death, abortion, accidents, concussions, car accidents, divorce, rape, war, illness, COVID, surgery, miscarriage, again anything where the person experiences shock at any point in their lives and sometimes before then is where Soul Loss can occur.


Can include & are not limited to:

Anxiety, depression, panic, addictions, need for medications, focus and memory problems, loss in time, nightmares, depression, a specific ache or pain, pattern shift, repetitive thought processes that feel foreign to you. The list goes on and on.

The Evolution of Soul Loss

Spiritual: Human experiences a shocking event that causes them to feel different after the event happens. The event shocks the spirit/body.

Mental: An ignored shocking event evolves into a revolving thought form. Remember there is great power within the use of words and thoughts and the energy behind them.

Emotional: The ignored revolving thought becomes a revolving emotion.

Physical: The revolving emotion is ignored, becomes stagnant and manifests as illness, pain, or dis-ease = disease

Antidote: Soul Retrieval

This can be done via zoom or in person. During the process with the assistance of our Guides, helping Spirits, & power animals they retrieve the lost soul part that is stuck in that moment and time to return, in the event they agree.

This is a very beautiful experience and people don't realize how valuable this practice is. With returning the soul parts back to you, you are refilling the holes where pieces of you have been lost over time. As they begin to return it marks the beginning (or continuation) of making yourself whole again. With making yourself whole again you are able to cycle your energy differently in a more healthy way in which will cause you to begin or continue your transformation. Experiencing life a bit differently.

Now, everyone's experience is different and unique to their own path so there can never be any expectation with this kind of work. Your willingness, trust and ability to open to let things go and allowance to receive, gives the Guides the grounds to work on. It all comes down to you and empowering yourself and meeting yourself where you're at.

" I look forward to embarking on this heart opening experience with you. Talk Soon."


., ., CA .
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